• April 13, 2019
  • kkk279@nyu.edu

SkillsMy Skills

HIVE 75%
SQL 95%
LINUX 100%

AboutAbout Me!

I’m Kelvin King

Dr. Kelvin King is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley. An immigrant from Ghana, he received his PhD in Information Systems at the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley and his Master of Science in Systems from New York University. His primary research interest includes diffusion of information on social media and Information Security. Kelvin has an extensive field experience in both private and public settings in the areas of big data and social media analytics. As a researcher, he believes in making significant contributions to both theory and practice. As a graduate student he has received several awards, including being a Dean’s fellow from 2013 to 2015. In his first year of the Ph.D. program, Kelvin won best research at the annual graduate research symposium in Texas. He also submitted and had two papers accepted at the Americas Conferences for Information Systems. That year he was also nominated and awarded the outstanding PhD student in Information Systems. As a second-year student, Kelvin received an award for best poster, late breaking work at the 14th International Conference on Design Science in Boston in 2019. He also received an NSF travel grant to attend the Workshop in information and security (WEIS) held in Harvard. He was later nominated for both best research at the annual research symposium and the outstanding PhD student award for the year. In his research, Kelvin uses tools from Econometrics, Mathematics, Computer Science and several multivariate techniques. He has  experience teaching under graduate and graduate courses like Introduction to Business Programming, Computer Information Systems, Quantitative Methods and graduate courses such as Information Systems for Managers and Social Media Analytics.